Published by : Jun 27 2021 Posted by : NVIH
Northern Valley Indian Health (NVIH) is a consortium of tribes; the Mechoopda Indian Tribe of Chico Rancheria, the Grindstone Indian Rancheria of Wintun-Wailaki Indians of California, the Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation of California and the Kletsel Dehe Tribe of California. Since 1971, Northern Valley Indian Health has grown steadily to meet the growing needs of the communities that it serves. The purpose of Northern Valley Indian Health was to establish a private, nonprofit tribal corporation to provide health services for Native Americans in California. Since then, NVIH emerged as a major community clinic providing health services to all community members. Last year, Northern Valley provided 129,613 patient visits to Native Americans and other community members at its healthcare clinics in Woodland, Chico, Red Bluff and Willows. The Northern Valley Indian Health clinic in Woodland was established in 2012, is around 16,000 square feet in size and has two medical providers, five dental providers, and four providers of behavioral health services. Last year there were 3,320 people seeking medical services, 10,735 who needed dental care, and 2,676 more in need of behavioral health care at the Wood land clinic. Northern Valley Indian Health is now constructing a new larger medical clinic on Gibson Road in Woodland to expand its services. It is located in the former Burlington Coat Factory portion of County Fair Mall, which is on the northeast side of the mall, more formerly occupied by Target. When completed in early summer of 2021, the 20,000-square-foot facility will provide medical, behavioral and community health services with 14 medical exam rooms, a telehealth room, and behavioral health and administrative offices along with room for future expansion.