Published by : May 01 2023 Posted by : NVIH
We are now moving into the fifth month of twenty-twenty-three and May is officially here! NVIH still has much more to share with our patients, community, and the public. Last month we held health fairs in Chico, Woodland, Willows, and Grindstone for the first time since COVID-19.
I am delighted to see how our employees have gone above and beyond to put together these fantastic, successful events. I’d also like to extend a big thank you to our incredible vendors. We appreciate your collaboration and are always so happy to see the everyone come together to benefit the community. Thank you to the staff for all your hard work, and congratulations on a great turnout while still using the proper precautions as we move forward to our new normal after the pandemic. There will be more events in the near future. This is also a reminder that our event calendars are posted at the beginning of each month on our social media platforms.
This month, we want to shed light on skin cancer awareness as well as the National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two-Spirit People (MMIWG2S).
May 5th is Wear Red Day for MMIWF2S so we encourage the community to take part in this important cause. We will also share more content regarding these topics on our social media platforms. To keep up with events and other important information, you can follow us on our social media pages: Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
Inder Wadhwa
CEO, Northern Valley Indian Health