Published by : Aug 01 2023 Posted by : NVIH
While it feels like January was just yesterday, we have officially made it well past the middle of 2023 and nearly through Summer. August is National Immunization Month and as a healthcare system, NVIH supports this. August is also typically known as back to school time. Take this as your reminder to call your primary care provider and schedule your child’s appointment for immunizations as well as their routine well-child visit before the bell rings. In California all schools require immunizations for your child to protect not only themselves but others that are unable to be vaccinated. It also doesn’t hurt to schedule your own appointment. Often adults get very busy with the day-to-day schedule and don’t make time for their own well being. Remember to take care of yourself along with others in your life.
With flu season around the corner, you can expect NVIH to hold flu clinics in the coming months. NVIH is proud to offer flu vaccine clinics to help protect the community. Stay tuned to our social media platforms as we will share our calendar with such events.
Take care,
Inder Wadhwa, CEO